Amenities IconRegistration requires a user name and password to keep our community information private from non-members. For your user name, enter Lot, followed by your lot number (no spaces) in the user name box.  For example, Lot17 or Lot1. For Associate members, just enter your first initial and last name in the format, JSmith. Then enter a password.

User IDs are case-sensitive.
Passwords are case-sensitive.
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Password: Show/Hide Password
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Please fill out the registration completely, including your preference for how your information is shared with other members.  You can update your personal information if anything changes.  This allows us to have the correct data for contacting you with Brae Burn information.  Once you have registered, your form will have to be approved by the webmaster to allow only members to register.  This may take a day or two.

Information available to the public will be limited to Community Descriptions,  Articles of Incorporation, CC&R's and By-Laws.  The public will not have assess to the member's roster, meeting minutes, The Birdie, finance statements, etc.